Geet gawai : préserver le bhojpuri pour perpétuer la culture ancestrale
De 2013 à ce jour, 51 Geet Gawai Schools ont vu le jour à travers l’île. Les cours sont dispensés bénévolement une fois par semaine dans les centres sociaux, notamment à Dagotière, Écroignard, Deux-Frères, Vacoas, Rose-Hill, Quatre-Bornes, Montagne-Longue et Cottage.… Read the rest.
Sofe Sega | Samedi 11 FEB | Domain Laventure Flacq
Gro sega tipik pe deroul Dan bal familial SOFE SEGA samdi le 11 fev dan Domaine laventure flacq a 19h ziska matingra… Pran zot billet a rs500 boner..… Read the rest.
Anvole – un hommage à ceux qui sont partis trop tôt
Elle n’a que 19 ans et foule déjà les scènes les plus renommées de l’île, notamment celle de N’Joy. Mel, de son vrai nom Melissa Poudret, veut faire les choses différemment, pratiquer son art à sa manière, contre vents et marées.… Read the rest.
«Nissa la monte» pour les 30 ans de carrière d’Alain Ramanisum
C’est avec du gros séga ambiancé que débute 2023. Alain Ramanisum vous invite à un concert-anniversaire le samedi 7 janvier au J&J Auditorium, à Phoenix.… Read the rest.
Scratched that itch
The sky looked just right for the pictures I had planned for Saint Georges cemetery. I was anxious about going there by myself, because the location is supposedly dangerous.… Read the rest.
Bain Boeuf
Bain Boeuf beach has had a nice upgrade. The ground leading to the sea has been terraced into multiple levels, each dotted with benches and shady plants.… Read the rest.
Happy New Year 2023
A friend on Facebook posted a meme depicting this year 2023 as an ominous fog enveloping a wooden rope suspension bridge, of which we can only see the first few uninviting joists.… Read the rest.
A great week-end it was
I took these photos while we toured the western and southern parts of the island last Saturday. I avoided using the Nikon D300, because it was in the way too much to be fun.… Read the rest.
Cité Vallijee views
When we were in Mauritius in 2018, I planned the photographs below but could not make them. This year, they are the first pictures I took on our trip.… Read the rest.
Why Mauritius Is One of the Best Retirement Destinations in the World
Mauritius is the perfect retirement destination for those looking for a great quality of life. The island nation offers plenty of activities and amenities, and a supportive community of expats and non-citizen residents.… Read the rest.